Patriarh allkirjastas Manhattani deklaratsiooni

Karismaatilise Episkopaalkiriku Ülemaailmse Osaduse patriarh peapiiskop Craig W. Bates allkirjastas nn Manhattani deklaratsiooni, mis kutsub üles kaitsma kõigi inimeste väärikust, tunnistama abielu vaid mehe ja naise vahelise ühendusena ja kutsub kaitsma usuliste väljenduste õigust. Deklaratsioonile on alla kirjutanud USA 150 juhtivat rooma-katoliku, õigeusu ja evangelikaalset kirikujuhti, nende seas näiteks rooma-katoliku kirikust Philadelphia kardinal Justin Rigali, Washingtoni peapiiskop Donald W. Wuerl ja Denveri piiskop Charles J. Chaput, kardinalid Adam Maida Detroitist, Timothy Dolan  New York’ist, John J. Myers Newark’ist, John Nienstedt Saint Paul’ist, Joseph F. Naumann Kansas City’st, Joseph E. Kurtz Louisville’ist, Thomas J. Olmsted Phoenix’ist, Michael J. Sheridan Colorado Springs’ist, Salvatore J. Cordileone Oaklandist, Richard J. Malone Portlandist ja and David A. Zubik Pittsburgh’ist. Alla kirjutasid ka Ameerika Ortodokskiriku metropoliit Jonah Paffhausen, Püha Vladimiri Teoloogiakooli ülempreester Chad Hatfield, Põhja Ameerika Anglikaani Kiriku priimas Robert W. Duncan ja Nigeeria Anglikaani Kiriku priimas Peter J. Akinola. Alla on kirjuitanud samuti palju väljapaistvad USA evangelikaalsed juhid, nende hulgas tuntud USA metodistist Drew Ülikooli professor dr Thomas Oden.

Patriarhi visiidist veel…inglise keeles

Patriarch Visits Estonia

Archbishop Bates, Dcn. Janek Tamme, Fr. Thomas Eriste

Estonia is part of the Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania). For many decades the people of Estonia have suffered decades of oppression. During World War II Estonia was first annexed to the Soviet Union, and then later was occupied by the Nazis. In 1944 Estonia was liberated from the Nazis and became part of the Soviet Union. For forty years the people of Estonia lived under Communism. They gained independence in 1991. Since their independence, the people of Estonia have made great advances socially and economically; at one point Estonia was recognized as the fastest growing economy. Like many countries Estonia has been hit by the global recession, however they not recovering yet.

Estonia was recently declared by the United Nations as the most secular nation in the world, with only 15% of the people believing in God (by any definition of god). Estonia also has more abortions performed annual than any other European nation.

Our presence in Estonia is made up of two small congregations: the Church of St. Stephen the Martyr, located in Tallinn and is pastured by the Rev. Dr. Heigo Ritsbek. They have a beautiful facility and the congregation is filled with a joy of the Lord. Our other congregation is St. Barnabas the Apostle – located in Parnumaa and is under the Pastorate of Fr. Thomas Eriste.

On Sunday, November 8, 2009, the Most Rev. Craig Bates, Patriarch, presided at a Celebration of the Holy Eucharist at St. Stephen the Martyr. Prior to being elected Patriarch, Abp Craig served as the supervising Bishop for Europe. At present no Bishop has been assigned, and the Patriarch continues to supervise our churches.

During the Celebration the Patriarch confirmed seven adults, from both Tallinn and Parnumaa. He also ordained the Rev. Janek Tamme as a Deacon. Deacon Janek will serve alongside of Fr. Thomas Eriste.

The liturgy for the morning was celebrated in both English and Estonian. An Ecumenical Choir was present, and made several musical offerings. Following the Eucharist the parish hall was filled with parishioners who joyfully celebrated the visit of the Patriarch and his wife Cathy, and the new life evidenced in the confirmands and the new Deacon.

Patriarh saabus Tallinna

7. novembril 2009 saabus Karismaatilise Episkopaalkiriku Ülemaailmse Osaduse patriarh peapiiskop Craig Bates koos abikaasaga Tallinna. 8. novembril toimub patriarhi missa koos konfirmatsiooni ja ordinatsiooniga Harkujärve Püha Esimärter Stefanose kirikus.

8. novembril patriarhi missa Harkujärvel

Pühapäeval, 8. novembril 2009 kell 12.30 toimub EKEK Harkujärve Püha Esimärter Stefanose kirikus patriarhlik missa – teenib Karismaatilise Episkopaalkiriku Ülemaailmse Osaduse (The International Communion of The Charismatic Episcopal Church, ICCEC) patriarh, Tema Pühadus peapiiskop Craig W. Bates. Kaasa teenivad Eesti Karismaatilise Episkopaalkiriku peavikaar, Harkujärve Püha Esimärter Stefanose kiriku preester dr Heigo Ritsbek ja Pärnu Püha Apostel Barnabase koguduse preester isa Thomas Eriste. Muusikalises osas teenib Credo ja Allika kammerkoor. Patriarh Bates konfirmeerib uued liikmed ning ordineerib postulandi Janek Tamme diakoniks. TERE TULEMAST!