Holy Cross Church Officially Established in Tartu

May 27, 2006 was a special day in Tartu, the second largest city in Estonia. After more than two years of regular services, the Holy Cross Charismatic Episcopal Church was officially established. At the Mass, the Vicar General of The Charismatic Episcopal Church of Estonia, The Very Rev Dr Heigo Ritsbek was celebrating, assisted by the Rector of the parish, The Rev Fr Jaanus Kangur. The nice facility, former Baptist building, which is currently used by 4 different congregations, was full of worshippers.


EKEK Tartu Püha Risti kogudus ametlikult rajatud

27. mail 2006 toimus EKEK Tartu Püha Risti koguduse missa, kus teenis esiliturgina EKEK peavikaar dr Heigo Ritsbek, kaasa teenisid EKEK Tartu Püha Risti koguduse rektor isa Jaanus Kangur ning akolüüt Mati Mägi. Peale missat toimus koguduse asutamiskoosolek, mis lõppes “Non Nobis Domine” ühislaulmisega. EKEK Tartu Püha Risti kogudusse kuulub praegu 20 liiget.

Tartu Püha Risti 
koguduse asutamine
Ülistuse ajal missal Tartu Püha Risti koguduses 27. mail 2006