Father Ritsbek elected Chair of Theological Commission in Estonia

 The Very Reverend Father Heigo RitsbekTallinn, Estonia

Thursday, February 25, 2010, at the meeting of the Estonian Council of Churches, The Very Rev Dr Heigo Ritsbek, Vicar General of the CEC of Estonia, was unanimously elected as Chairman of the Theological Commission of The Estonian Council of Churches. The Council consists of 10 member denominations: Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church, Estonian Apostolic Orthodox Church, Estonian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, The Roman Catholic Church in Estonia, The Baptist Union of Estonia, The United Methodist Church in Estonia, The Christian Pentecostal Church of Estonia, The Union of Adventist Churches in Estonia, The Armenian Apostolic Church in Estonia and The Charismatic Episcopal Church of Estonia.

4 kommentaari postitusele “”

  1. juhan ütleb:

    Rõõm kuulda…..!

  2. juhan ütleb:

    Ja nüüd üks selline küsimus neile, kes üritasid eile ja täna kalendrijärgsed piibli tekstid lugeda ja neid paremini üles leidsid kui mina..palun öelge mulle kuskohast ma leiaksin 1 Mk 44 või 45…äkki vähemalt homme ma saan neid piiblitekste lugeda…ette tänades, Juhan.

  3. Isa Heigo Ritsbek ütleb:

    Sorry, trükivead. Peab olema 1 Ms – 1. Moosese.

  4. juhan ütleb:

    Suurimad tänud!