Palvetatakse Suure Reede teleteenistuse pärast

Karismaatilise Episkopaalkiriku ülemaailmsel lehel on teade Suure Reede jumalateenistusest Harkujärve Püha Esimärter Stefanose kirikus reedel 10. aprillil kell 12.30, millest on teleülekanne Eesti Televisioonis 10. aprillil kell 14.50. Kutsutakse eestpalvele. Lähemalt võib lugeda

St Stephen’s Good Friday Service on Estonian TV

On April 10, 2009 Estonian National TV (Channel One) will broadcast the Good Friday Service from St Stephen the Martyr Charismatic Episcopal Church in Tallinn, Estonia over the nation. Based on the past ratings, the audience maybe among 5 to 8 percent of the total population of Estonia. The service will be lead by the Very Rev Dr Heigo Ritsbek, Vicar General of the CEC of Estonia. He will be assisted by Fr Thomas Eriste, Rector of St Barnabas the Apostle, Parnu, Estonia. Several musicians will participate – a girls’ voice school, 25-member children’s choir, violinist, etc.

This will be a large production with Estonian TV bringing stationary cameras and a huge, moving crane-camera into the building to capture the service in better quality than previous TV broadcasts from St Stephen the Martyr. This will be the third time a national TV service will broadcast throughout Estonia from St Stephen the Martyr.

Please pray for CEC of Estonia, Fathers Ritsbek and Eriste, and especially that the Good News of Good Friday will touch many hearts in Estonia!