The CEC of Estonia had summer camp at Uulu in southwest of Estonia

From July 14 – 16, 2006 more than fifty people gathered for the summer camp of The CEC of Estonia. Masses, morning prayers, evening at camp-fire, lectures, film night (videos of the church activities + movie “Luther” (2003) and a music program by a country-folk group from an Evangelical Covenant Church and many sporting events filled the program of this camp. The Rev Fr Janis Danielson – the only CEC priest in Latvia – was also present. Participants expressed their thanks to the Lord for this time being together. The camp was one of the events this year, which commemorates the 10th anniversary of The CEC of Estonia, established in 1996. In September there will be major celebrations in the presence of our Patriarch, the Archbishop Austin Randolph Adler.

The concluding Mass
Final Mass of the summer camp in an abandoned Lutheran
Church building near Pärnu in southwest of Estonia

1 kommentaar postitusele “The CEC of Estonia had summer camp at Uulu in southwest of Estonia”

  1. Juhan ütleb:

    Selle aasta laagri viimane Missa on mulle nii sügava mulje jätnud, et meenutan seda kogu südamega veel täna. Midagi erilist oli õhus……alates peavikaar isa Heigo südame hoiakus mis oli märgatav tema poolt õeldud Missa avasõnades, süvenedes tema jutluses ja loomulikult lahendust saades tema üleskutses kogudusele osa saada Püha Armulauast. Üks tõeliselt vaimu puhastav talitus.